his week I will be practicing hospitality by adding a saluation to my posts in the food and cooking group with, “Hello Baby Boomers, Gen-X, and Millennials Foodies” Previously, I did not use a saluation. One of the tips for hospitality-seeking to cultivate spaces for belonging in which to love and grow- is to “be attentive.” I always greet by name those I respond to. But I also want to work to see each other uniquely rather than just as cooks and bakers. I want to invite new people into the conversation. Research shows that Millennials are cooking more and using digital devices more (https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/future-of-marketing/digital-transformation/cooking-trends-among-millennials/). I know from my son and daughter in law that they use youtube to learn something new. My son, at 26, can make an entire Thanksgiving meal. He makes homemade pizza. When he made hamburgers once for us in his new home in S.C., he measured the beef so we would have a perfect quarter-pounder burger. This article also says they like to be creative. How creative are we as baby boomers when it comes to communication and even ministry in the mainline churches! I see caring about their needs as an important part of ministry. So, I will try and see the response as I reach out to this age group in my context.
Why am I here in this context? Sometimes I have felt that I chose the wrong context, but this is a space in which I can reach out to people that I would have never known. It is a entry point for engaging in new ways, to breathe in the Spirit of God in places that might bear fruit. I am excited about what the Soirit is doing in me. I am excited to see where this leads. I am excited to see what God is doing!