
I am grateful for the interview I had with “Kathryn.” What did God want me to see and experience in this conversation? First and foremost, I liked Kathryn. She was open and honest. We talked about grace. By her admission, she wasn’t sure how life might end. In talking about grace, I shared that the best we can do is, in our gratitude to God, is to give of ourselves as Jesus gave for us. I thought about the research that Professor James gave us about the Nones and Dones. If Kathryn is his example, I feel encouraged that people like Kathyrn, and others, are actually getting closer to God because they have not been afraid to examine the Christian life. Kathryn just needs the right church, and the right pastoral leader to help her with the theological questions that she has been struggling with these past 15 years. I felt encouraged. I felt that the spirit of God is a steady part of her life and the church might do well just to help her realize that.