My space of belonging is a food and cooking together group on Facebook. For the past two weeks, I have been reading their posts and writing posts myself. The group has been fairly active. I have befriended two people last week and one man this week. All three are baby boomers. Out of the 90 participants, the women take the lead. It appears the group makes up about 60% and the males 40%. I have also seen activity for about 10 people. This may be good for a new Facebook group, but out of 90 participants, it would seem that more would be posting. There are about 15 of my immediate and extended family. Most through marriage (My brother-in -law started the group). Even here, it will be great to engage with family that I hardly know outside of family gatherings. Here is the verbatim.
The exchange was short but intentional. The conversation felt authentic. While it was a new person, there wasn’t any awkwardness to the conversation. It seems similar to the way in which I would imagine that Jesus spoke in community. “How can I help you?” “I have been bleeding for 17 years.” “Are you catching any fish in your nets?” “No,”
I introduced the ecclesial community (the church) into the conversation. It was not inauthentic. I really wanted the answer to the question. There was no response to the speaking of church.
My prayer for this week: Loving God, Provider of All, Thank you for this opportunity to speak and hear about how your children are using the gifts that you have provided (food and drink) and have used them in spaces that help those they love to thrive. Provide in me the presence to make a difference and an ear for discernment for those that may be seeking you or those who have been separated from you. Bless the food that they prepare for their loved ones. May it nourish them to do your work. Be with me as I prepare your bounty of food that you freely created and have made available to me for my family, friends, and those in need. May it bring nourishment and comfort to me and my family. Help those with little food. Thank you for the additional provisions of food as you have moved our Congress and the new president to provide, and help us continue to be a nation that cares for one another as you have commanded us. Amen.